Sunday, August 31, 2014

How to Apply for Extension of Family Visit Visa Online ?

Now there is no need to visit Jawazat office for the extension of family visit visa. I always appreciate the steps taken by the Saudi Government to make the procedural activities online.  One of these revolutionary steps is giving access to the expatriates to apply for the extension of family visit visa online. In this article, I will be explaining in detail the online procedure to apply for extension of family visit visa online.
Conditions to Apply for Extension of Family Visit Visa Online
Welcome to Extend Visit Visa for families. This service allows Individuals who have issued visit visa to extend visit visa for their visitors subject to the following Business rules:
  1. At a time of visa extension, the Visit visa duration should be more than 7 days or have been expired before 3 days.
  2. Visit visa holder is present in KSA
  3. Fee of visa extension is paid
  4. Visit visa holder PP is valid (not expired) on the date of VV extension
  5. Visa requester / Visit visa holder Status is alive.
  6. Visit visa holder does not have unpaid Traffic violation
  7. The total Visit Visa period should not exceed the permitted period.

Procedure to Apply for Extension of Family Visit Visa Online
  1. Pay SR 100 for the extension of family visit visa through online or internet banking.
  2. In order to apply for extension of family visit visa, you must have online account on Ministry of Interior Website. If you don’t have Abshir account on Ministry of Interior Website, please follow this link to create it. “Abshir Account in Ministry of Interior Website
  3. If you have already created this account, just login to it by following this link.
  4. A new screen will be opened from which you will have to click on “E-Services” as shown in the screenshot below.
  5. On the left hand side, there will be a list from which you need to click on the “Passports” icon.
  6. A drop down list will appear and you need to click on the icon of “Extend Visit Visa”
  7. A new page will open where all the terms and conditions to apply for extension of family visit visa are mentioned. Now you need to click on the “Proceed” button.
  8. A new screen will open where you have to click on the  button "More Details" for the candidate for whom you want to extend the visit visa. (Following 3 images were shared by Rana Irfan)
  9. A new screen will be opened as soon as "more details" button is clicked. All the passport and visa details of the visa holder will be mentioned on that page as shown in the image below. You need to click on the button "Confirm to Extend Visit Visa" to confirm the extension.
  10. Last screen will be opened to congratulate you and communicate that visit visa has been successfully extended. 

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