Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Creating the SetUp for windows Service

Creating the SetUp for windows Service

Adding Installer to Winodws Service.

Step1 : Right Click on Windows Service Page then click add installer.

Step2 : Do the Settings of installer by given below snapshots.

Step3: Add new SetUp Project by Right Click on Soultion > Add Project > Other Project Types> Visual Studio Installer > SetUp Project.

Step4: Add Project Output by right clicking on Application and Select the Primary Project as Windows Service Project.

Step5: Add Custom Action to your project will make you install, uninstall, rollback of service if you do not add this custom action your service will install but will not show in services to start or stop the service.

Step6: After Installing the Service on server Add dependent folders like Images, .html container folders to the location where service is installed so it can use those files if needed.

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